Forum Discussion

VKanwade's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 04, 2020

How to test APM access policy locally?

Very new to BIG-IP.


I have downloaded the BIG-IP VE and imported it into VirtualBox. Followed the basic configuration mentioned here


I created an APM access policy to use AD.


But is there any way to test it? Some internal URL which simulates the real world behavior?


As I am on VBox, any virtual server I create, is directly accessible from local. How do I get BIG-IP into the picture?

2 Replies

  • Just create a web virtual server. F5 is Linux so making an apache web server virtual machine will help you with F5. You can use the APM local user database but I will also say that if you want to learn find Appliance image of Radius or TACACS and import it in the Virtual Box or even a windows server as they have 180 days trial licenses and make an AD. Also better use Hyper-V on windows 10 as it is free.



  • Hello,

    Actually, you can route traffic to internet in the F5 and use any URL from world.

