Forum Discussion

kakalot_369488's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2018

How to test AFM DDOS prevention?

Hi all,


I want to implement DDOS prevention in my lab like this (FirewallF5------------internet---------Attacker PC)


I follow this manual:


  • Create DoS profile (prevent TCP SYN and ICMPv4 flood)
  • Assign DoS profile to Virtual Server (named Internet)
  • Create Logging profile
  • Assign Logging profile to Virtual Server

After configuring I test by using hping3 on AttackerPC to flood but when I view DoS profile history, it shows no packet droped. So please help me how to test DDOS after my configuring and how to view the result of testing is OK or not?


(My F5 is VE 13.1.1)


Tks in advance.


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