Mar 30, 2009Nimbostratus
how to redirect one virtual server to another through irules
Hi Friend,
I need to redirect one virtual server to another virtual server base of url. I tried to make the URL base iRule. Please help me how i mentioned the specific virtual server name in my iRule.
Let say i want to redirect mail.a.com to virtual server1 and mail.b.com redirects to virtual server2.
Also i tagged both virtual server1 and virtual server2 with SSL certificate. so this url (mail.a.com / or mail.b.com will also be redirect to https)
Please complete the irule.
if { [HTTP::host] eq "mail.a.com" }
HTTP::redirect _ _? _ _
if { [HTTP::host] eq "mail.b.com" }
HTTP::redirect _ _? _ _