Forum Discussion

usaims_78655's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 25, 2011

How to 'Forced Offline' on a pool member using tmsh.

I interact with the f5 via perl scripts using tmsh when pulling members in and out of the pool.



What is the tmsh command line command to 'Forced Offline' on a pool member? Below is my one liner just to disable pool members. Please show me, TIA.



tmsh modify ltm pool POOL members modify { { state up session disabled } }
  • From the reference manual, session disabled and session enabled are your only options. I just tested using "state down" instead, and that appears to represent "Forced Offline."
  • Thanks Chris. Will 'state down' allow the existing transactions to gracefully disconnect or will this sever the connection?
  • Posted By usaims on 01/25/2011 01:02 PM


    Thanks Chris. Will 'state down' allow the existing transactions to gracefully disconnect or will this sever the connection?


    Forced offline finishes off current connections.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I think the only time LTM will reset existing connections is if the pool member is marked down by a monitor and the pool option for 'action on service down' is reject. You could also delete the connection table entry and then LTM should send a reset on the next packet it receives.



    The online help for the node page shows these options:



    Enabled (All traffic allowed)


    Disabled (Only persistent or active connections allowed)


    Forced Offline (Only active connections allowed)


