Forum Discussion

Root44's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 03, 2019

How to assign a Fallback Persistence?

Hello All,


I got a requirement where the fallback persistence is needed to apply. Since I never worked on it, not sure how to assign it to the virtual server. Can someone please provide the steps to create a fallback persistence or how to apply it? I checked using "list ltm persistence" command but don't see it there.


f5 version - 11.5.4


Thank you,




  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    If you have no experience then it might be easier for you to just assign a fall-back persistence from the GUI.

    FWIW in tmsh the fallback is fallback-persistence

    You'd set the persistence with something like

    modify vs_name fallback-persistence fb-persist-profile

    and create (Before you add it obviously) the persistence profile via something like

    create /ltm persistence source-addr profile-name

    The type (Where I have source-addr) can be one of the supported types. e.g. cookie, src/dst-addr etc.