Forum Discussion

Kirit_Patel_521's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2011

How do u translate weight config from CSS to F5

How do i translate weight config from CSS to F5. and also the url "/sec/math/studytools/*






vip address


port 80


protocol tcp


url "/qe/*"


balance weightedrr


add service mhe-fender-80 weight 9


add service mhe-tom-80 weight 8


add service mhe-galena-80 weight 1


add service mhe-fester-80 weight 1


add service mhe-lurch-80 weight 1


add service mhe-zoza-80


add service mhe-arzoo-80 weight 1


add service mhe-jupiter-80 weight 1


add service mhe-uranus-80 weight 1







vip address


balance weightedrr


add service mhe-fender-80 weight 9


add service mhe-tom-80 weight 8


add service mhe-galena-80 weight 1


port 80


protocol tcp


url "/sec/math/studytools/*"


add service mhe-fester-80 weight 1


add service mhe-lurch-80 weight 1


add service mhe-zoza-80







  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Kirit,



    I think this is akin to pool member ratios:






    To specify the relative weight of the service, use the weight command. The weight is used in ArrowPoint Content Awareness (ACA) and weighted roundrobin load-balancing decisions. Use the no form of this command to reset the service weight to its default value of 1.



    weight weight



    Syntax Description


    Service weight used with load metrics to make load-allocation decisions. You can use the weight to bias flows toward the specified service. Enter an integer from 0 to 10. The default is 1.




    LTM ratio:





    The BIG-IP system distributes connections among pool members or nodes in a static rotation according to ratio weights that you define. In this case, the number of connections that each system receives over time is proportionate to the ratio weight you defined for each pool member or node. You set a ratio weight when you create each pool member or node.



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    If you want to map specific URIs to a collection of servers in LTM, you can use an HTTP class or an iRule. You can check the LTM config guide for your version for details on using HTTP classes. For an iRule you can check the fourth example on the switch wiki page:





  • btw, have u contacted your F5 SE? i think they may have convert script.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Good point Nitass. We have the scripts posted here, but they weren't indexed correctly. I updated them so they show up at the bottom of the Codeshare here:




