Forum Discussion

TheScottPowell's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 17, 2020

How can I find the current connectivity sessions via SNMP?

I am looking for the current number of VPN conenctions.


show /apm license shows things like:

total connectivity sessions: 500          

current connectivity sessions: 197


How can I get these via SNMP? I cannot find locate the OID.

  • Bug ID 858185: SNMP does not provide correct current connectivity stats

  • And better yet, I answered my own question. It's a bug. K17305

    They've known about it for 5 years and still haven't fixed it.

    • TheScottPowell's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I see the article. I think I need apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns, but I need the numeric version of this OID. I can't get the snmptranslate to work.

      • TheScottPowell's avatar
        Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

        Well, I take that back. I got snmptranslate to work. The numeric OID when queried returns a number that is not the same as what I am looking for. apmGlobalConnectivityStatCurConns has a description of "The current connectivity sessions in the system", which I would think is the same as # show /apm license

        current connectivity sessions: xxx


        But the xxx above does not match the snmp returned value (in my case, command line show ed over 200 and I got 167 from SNMP. That description sure sounds right to me.