Forum Discussion

SK391_339749's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 27, 2018

High Swap Memory Usage - 95%

I've noticed that a couple of our Viprion F5's are running at very high sawp file. 95%. Also, noticed that we have alot of logging running, in particular Logs - Local Traffic, we currently have over 600 pages of logs. I was wondering if this logging was causing the high memory usage?


Either way , can we reduce the amount of logging for the local traffic?


Does anyone have any useful commands I could run to help troubleshoot the problem please.


Thanks in advance everyone!


2 Replies

  • Hi


    The swap memory usage does not increase unless there is a specific reason.


    I think your bigip system have some bug.


    Open Sr and provide more detail on your bigip.


    with regards,


    • SK391_339749's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      'Sr' ? Service ticket?


      I've opened a ticket with our 3rd party and they have come back - they think its being caused by a service ( dwbld ) having an extended uptime. This then causes a memory leak. According to the documentation this should only happen if the F5 is provisioned with ASM, which it isn't.


      Is there any other troubleshooting I can do to find out where the memory leak is ?

