Jun 14, 2011Nimbostratus
Help with LocalLB::VirtualServer/Create
Hi again, I'm trying to create a VirtualServer, but I'm gettting the following error: SOAP-ENV:Server Could not find element by name: profile_context Here's my profile part of the datastructure:
$VAR1 = {
'profile_name' => 'test_pool_VS',
'profile_context' => 'PROFILE_CONTEXT_TYPE_ALL'
Did I build that correctly? Here's my perl code to build the data structure:
my $protocol_type = 'PROTOCOL_TCP';
my $VirtualServerDefinition =
name => "Sitename_VS",
address => '',
port => 80,
protocol => $protocol_type
my $VirtualServerType = 'RESOURCE_TYPE_POOL';
my $VirtualServerResource =
type => $VirtualServerType,
default_pool_name => 'Sitecode_B2C_http'
my $ProfileContextType = 'PROFILE_CONTEXT_TYPE_ALL';
my $VirtualServerProfile =
profile_context => $ProfileContextType,
profile_name => 'Sitecode_prod_http_VS'
my $VSDefinition =
definitions => $VirtualServerDefinition,
wildmasks => '',
resources => $VirtualServerResource,
profiles => $VirtualServerProfile
Any idea why I'm getting the profile_context error?
Thanks !