Forum Discussion

user1115_113077's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 25, 2011

Help with Cookie Insertion




Currently we're using the following on a vs,





if { [HTTP:uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {


pool class}


else {


pool main}





We need to add a cookie when request comes in from certain source IPs; we've tried this with no luck so far





if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals "$::class_ip"] } {HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"}


elseif { [HTTP:uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {pool class}


else {pool main}






Thanks for any help in advance






  • Hi User 1115,


    I think the issue might be in the logic of what are yo trying to do.



    According to your iRule the logic works like this:


    If client ip matches the class_ip datagroup, apply the Cookie Insert and then EXIT the iRule. (NOTE: It will not evaluate the rest of the iRule)


    If client ip does not match the class_ip datagroup, and if the uri starts with "/clasee" then go to pool called class and EXIT the iRule. (NOTE: No Cookie Insert will be invoked)


    If client ip does not match and your URI does not start with /clasee then go to pool main and EXIT the iRule. (NOTE: No cookie Insert will be invoked)



    Is this logic you want?.



  • Bhattman,


    Thank you for tte explaination and clearly that's not what we want.



    We need to:


    If the client matches the class_ip datagroup, apply the coookient insert AND continue to check the uri, if the uri starts with "/class" go to pool call class, if the uri does not start with "/class" go to pool main and exit the irule. (has cookie)


    If the client does not matches the class_ip datagroup, check the uri, if the uri starts with "/class" go to pool cll class if the uri does not start with "/class" go to pool main and exit the irule. (no cookie)



    We appreicate any help with any rule for the above logic, we're first time irule user.



    Best regards,




  • Hi User1115,


    In that case one of the ways you can do this is the following codes




    This is for version 9.x.x





    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] eq $::class_ip] } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"





    Choose a pool based on URI


    if { [HTTP:uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {


    pool class


    } else {


    pool main








    OR Using a switch statement



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] eq $::class_ip] } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"




    Choose a pool based on URI


    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/clasee*" { pool class }


    default { pool main }









    If you are going to v10 then the code would like like the following




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "class_ip" } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"





    Choose a pool based on URI


    if { [HTTP:uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {


    pool class


    } else {


    pool main








    OR Using a switch statement for v10




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "class_ip"] } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"




    Choose a pool based on URI


    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/clasee*" { pool class }


    default { pool main }







    I hope this helps






  • Hi User1115,


    For debugging you can do the following:



    This is for version 9.x.x





    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] eq $::class_ip] } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"


    log local0. "The Source IP: [IP::client_addr] matched. Inserting Cookie"




    Choose a pool based on URI


    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {


    log local0. "The URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool class"


    pool class


    } else {


    log local0. "the URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool main"


    pool main








    OR Using a switch statement



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] eq $::class_ip] } {


    log local0. "The Source IP: [IP::client_addr] matched. Inserting Cookie"


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"




    Choose a pool based on URI


    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/clasee*" {


    pool class


    log local0. "The URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool class"




    default {


    pool main


    log local0. "the URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool main"











    If you are going to v10 then the code would like like the following




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "class_ip" } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"


    log local0. "The Source IP: [IP::client_addr] matched. Inserting Cookie"





    Choose a pool based on URI


    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/clasee*"} {


    pool class


    log local0. "The URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool class"


    } else {


    pool main


    log local0. "the URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool main"








    OR Using a switch statement for v10




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    Insert cookie if it matches the CLASS_IP datagroup


    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "class_ip"] } {


    HTTP::cookie insert name "class" value "class"


    log local0. "The Source IP: [IP::client_addr] matched. Inserting Cookie"




    Choose a pool based on URI


    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/clasee*" {


    pool class


    log local0. "The URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool class"




    default {


    pool main


    log local0. "the URL is [HTTP::uri] which is selecting pool main"









    I hope this helps


