Forum Discussion

vivek_76299's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2012

Help needed regarding HTTP downgrade using iRule - Getting TCL Error

Hi All,


We are using an iRule to downgrade some specific responses from HTTP1.1 to HTTP1.0. Below is the iRule.










if { ([HTTP::header "content-Type"] starts_with "text/csv") || ([HTTP::header "content-Type"] starts_with "application/ms-excel")} {


if {[HTTP::version] == "1.1" } {



HTTP::version "1.0"











We see below TCL errors in ltm logs. Can someone please help on these errors.





Jan 19 15:12:43 local/tmm2 err tmm2[6237]: 01220001:3: TCL error: ir_downgrade_HTTP10 - Illegal argument. Can't execute in the current context. (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::header "Content-Type""



Please suggest.



Thanks in advance.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Vivek,



    Which LTM version are you running? Do you have any modules enabled for the virtual server you have the iRule enabled on?



  • Hi Aaron,


    We are using LTM of version 10.2.


    Below are the modules used in the virtual server.



    Oneconnect Profile


    HTTP Profile


    SSL Profile (client)


    Cookie persistence.


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Do you have any other iRules enabled on the virtual server? Is that the full iRule you posted above?



  • Hi Aaron,


    There are no other iRules enabled for the virtual server and the iRule pasted in the above post is the complete iRule.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    The only references to this error I could find involved multiple iRules where one redirected the request and another tried to get the content-type header value. Do you have rewrite redirects enabled on the HTTP profile?



    Else, if you'd like to work on this more quickly, you could open a case with F5 Support. They'll be able to look at your full configuration and help determine why the error is being generated.



  • I just upgraded from version 10.2.0 to version 11.2.0 and started seeing errors some as described above e.g. "HTTP::version"



    I also some some similar errors about "HTTP::status" as described in which references BZ374390 and has the comment that one could ask for a HOTFIX



    From my /var/log/ltm



    Aug 14 07:59:34 tmm err tmm[9349]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 08:00:11 tmm1 err tmm1[9350]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 08:30:13 tmm err tmm[9349]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 08:56:18 tmm1 err tmm1[9350]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Illegal argument. Invalid client side API (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::status"


    Aug 14 08:56:54 tmm1 err tmm1[9350]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Illegal argument. Invalid client side API (line 15) invoked from within "HTTP::status"


    Aug 14 10:11:24 tmm1 err tmm1[9350]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 15) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 10:12:20 tmm err tmm[9349]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 10:12:31 tmm err tmm[9349]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    Aug 14 10:13:16 tmm1 err tmm1[9350]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""



    Looking at the above across more than three hours of operation I have four (4) unique formats all in the same iRULE, e.g. hele_main_http



    TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 15) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Not found (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::version "1.0""


    TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Illegal argument. Invalid client side API (line 15) invoked from within "HTTP::status"


    TCL error: /Common/hele_main_http - Illegal argument. Invalid client side API (line 300) invoked from within "HTTP::status"



    This iRULE has just four (4) occurrences of HTTP::version



    [jstrabala@www:Active:Standalone] ~ grep HTTP::version /tmp/bigip.conf.copy.hele_main_http_only | sed -e 's/^\s*/ /'


    append info " host [HTTP::host] method [HTTP::method] ver [HTTP::version] uri [HTTP::uri]"


    append info " [HTTP::version]"


    if { [HTTP::version] eq "1.1" } {


    HTTP::version "1.0"


    [jstrabala@www:Active:Standalone] ~



    This iRULE has just three (3) occurrences of HTTP::status



    [jstrabala@www:Active:Standalone] ~ grep HTTP::status /tmp/bigip.conf.copy.hele_main_http_only | sed -e 's/^\s*/ /'


    if {$icap == 1 && [HTTP::status] != 200} {


    if {$enable_debug && $static::h_dbg_icap_skip>3} { log local0. "skip icap, <[HTTP::status]>!=200, host <$lchost> path <$lcpath>" }


    if {$enable_debug && $static::h_dbg_icap_skip>2} { log local0. "skip icap, stat <[HTTP::status]>!=200 || type <[HTTP::header Content-Type]>!=text/html || enc <[HTTP::header Content-Encoding]>!=<>, path <$lcpath>"}


    [jstrabala@www:Active:Standalone] ~



    Since I never saw any such "errors" in version 10.2.0 is this a bug in version 11.2.0 of the FT Big-IP LTM software. I have also asked for clarification in case number C1171849



    Thanks in Advance



    Jon Strabala
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Jon,



    BZ374390 was fixed in 11.2.0 so either it's a regression or a different issue. If you have a case opened with F5 Support I suggest continuing working with them. They'll be able to review your full config and ideally tcpdumps of a failure. I tried to review the case notes but with the access I have couldn't see the part of your case have on the TCL error due to the case length.


