Forum Discussion

MattAlex1's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 03, 2022

Help: Add Name Servers in GTM

GTM is the dedicated DNS for the domain

We have 4 name servers from ISP currently added. 

This is verified with dig @<GTM Public IP> ns

ISP have provided 4 more name servers to be added.

Can anyone guide where this has to be added?

  • Hi

    You should be able to use Zonerunner to add in these records.  If you go to the Zone List in Zonerunner in the GUI and then click on Resource Records you should hopefully see your current NS records listed.  From here you can add in additional records

  • Hi

    You should be able to use Zonerunner to add in these records.  If you go to the Zone List in Zonerunner in the GUI and then click on Resource Records you should hopefully see your current NS records listed.  From here you can add in additional records