Forum Discussion

teemo_13's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 28, 2023

Guest on B2100 is not copying config from version 14 going to version 17.1

We are upgrading a guest on a B2100 from v12 to v14 then to v17.1 to test an application compatibility.
When upgrading to v14, configuration is successfully loaded. When upgrading to v17.1 mcp-state is stuck at "base-config-loaded-succcesfully" instead of running-config-loaded-succcesfully. No LTM config is carried over from v14 to v17.1. Any idea on what might cause this?


    It looks like BIG-IP 14.0.0 and later versions do not support B2100 platform? 
    Also, if you're only upgrading the Guest instance (and not Host as well) there might be incompatibilities between hypervisor and Guest versions, v12/v17 is quite a large difference!

    • whisperer's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      They may also need to re-activate license. Otherwise config will not load on newer code versions since that expiration date.