Forum Discussion

Thomas_Schocka1's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Aug 23, 2012

GTM servers ip address

Hello all,




I recently found something curious and I haven't found any reason yet as to why this happens.



Here are the steps:


- add a server to a GTM config (an LTM)


- server is of type BIG-IP (either single or redundant)


- monitor is 'bigip'


- for IP-address you give the mgmt address of an LTM


- virtual server discovery is enabled


- you then run bigip_add (big3d_install was done beforehand)



What seems to be happening is this:


- there is an iQuery session between the GTM and the LTM


- iqdump shows the virtual servers et al


- the GTM says the LTM server is up (monitor status is green)


- weird thing: the virtual servers are never detected by the GTM, eventhough iqdump clearly shows info about them being transmitted



To alleviate the problem, you have to choose something other than the mgmt IP when you add the LTM. The GTM then detects the virtual servers as it should.



Is there a reason why you cannot use the mgmt IP of the LTM to have the GTM use it as a server?




Kind regards,





  • I'm sure someone in F5 development can give you a logical reason, but the short answer is you need to use a self-IP for the device/route-domain in question.



    It is documented, although almost as a footnote.



    from the brief explanation given to me by our F5 account team it sounded like it was so they could get the perspective of the network in question for determining F5 LTM health.