Forum Discussion

TNY_122436's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2014

GTM doesn't seem to resolve its own WIP



So I've spun up a new GTM (11.2.1) and there are two LTM's (each at different datacenters). I've created the VIPs ( on the LTM's and a WIP ( on the GTM to load balance the two VIPs. Connection between the F5 are working as expected. However; we have a DNS that I set the GTM as a delegation. On our local DNS, I've created a CName to ultimately query the GTM. For some reason, the name isn't returning back. I've logged onto the GTM itself and tried doing a ping to its own WIP and it returns an unkown host. I'm sure I am missing some setting somewhere. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Here's what I have already:


  1. Listener (checked)
  2. When I created the WIP, the GTM automatically created the A records within Zone Runner
  3. SOA and NS has been created for this zone
  • did u run packet capture on the GTM. Does it receiving your dns query? Are you able to do telnet to port 53 on your listener ip ? did you get SOA or ns record as your listener ip when u do a dig or nslookup to your wideip ?


  • HI TNY,


    The Wideip is used for intelligent load balancing and it references the VS created in the LTM either this VS is on the same box having LTM module or on the separate. With your explanation of WIP and automatic creation of A record within Zone Runner I am not able to relate the things. Can you provide ur configuration.


  • Hi tny,


    Are the pool members up behind the GTM the is the LTM which the GTM is loadbalancing


  • The pools are behind the LTM and are inherited by the GTM, hence the GTM is doing inter-datacenter load balancing. The GTM big3d dameon is reporting the pools green. I believe the problem is something with DNS in that the GTM doesn't query the WIP name...perhaps because maybe it's not authoritative or whatnot?




    gtm wideip /Common/ { pools { /Common/ { order 0 }


    gtm pool /Common/ { alternate-mode global-availability fallback-ipv4 any fallback-mode none members { /Common/dc1ltm01q_dc1ltm02q:/Common/test_company_com-443 { order 0 } /Common/dc2nltm01q_dc2ltm02q:/Common/test_company_com-443 { order 1 }


  • Laudec's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You can not do a DNS query from a GTM to itself to resolve a DNS query. Do the query from another GTM device, or from a client PC rather.


    • Domai_23823's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I would second LCM's answer. I just logged in to one of my GTM's and was not able to resolve any wideip. In our setup the LDNS delegates the queries to the GTM's.
  • You can not do a DNS query from a GTM to itself to resolve a DNS query. Do the query from another GTM device, or from a client PC rather.


    • Domai_23823's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I would second LCM's answer. I just logged in to one of my GTM's and was not able to resolve any wideip. In our setup the LDNS delegates the queries to the GTM's.
  • did u run packet capture on the GTM. Does it receiving your dns query? Are you able to do telnet to port 53 on your listener ip ? did you get SOA or ns record as your listener ip when u do a dig or nslookup to your wideip ?


    • TNY_122436's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi guys. I ended up calling into support and we ended up gutting out Resource records and recreating the zone within the ZoneRunner. After that, we were able to query the WIP from other devices.
    • Dede-DevCentral's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Do you recall what you did here, i have the same issue i am looking for a solution