Forum Discussion

Jay_41075's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2012

Format of external (string) class file

Class File Name:





Class File Contents:




“/test1/exacturls” := “”,


“/test2/exacturls/test2.pdf” := “”,





bp>class exacturls {


>>> type string


>>> filename "/var/class/exacturls.class"


>>> mode read


>>> separator ":="


>>> }


BIGpipe class creation error: 01070627:3: The string class external file (/var/class/exacturls.class) has an invalid format, line: 1.




This is the same error I get even if I try to create this via the GUI..



I cannot figure out what is wrong with this class file or its contents. Any ideas?





  • have you seen "Working With External Files" section in the article below? is it relevant?



    iRules Data Group Formatting Rules by Jason