Forum Discussion

Dineshan's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 17, 2021

Failure creating certificate acme challenge 404 error in BIG-IP F5 WAF

We have more than 600 government websites behind the BIG-IP system. We have done almost 60% of certificates created and offloaded. Suddenly we couldn't create any certificate and got the below error. This error not only for one website. Now we can't renew or create a new certificate.

We use fanceg/letsencrypt -in GitHub to integrates Let's Encrypt with BigIP ( GitHub - fanceg/letsencrypt-bigip).


INFO: Using main config file /etc/dehydrated/configProcessing


Can anyone help me out with this issue? Are there any process changes or updates in letsencrypt site or BIG-IP intigrations? Due to this lots of government websites affected!

  • For such issues like "of government websites affected!" also raise a TAC case as this is a comunity website that does not have SLA.



    404 error could be related to lest encrypt issue not F5, check the the forums:









    Also lets encrypt has limits as it is a free service and maybe not the best for government websites: