Forum Discussion

Steve_Pressman_'s avatar
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Jul 22, 2008

F5ISAPI on 64-bits

I'm trying to set up f5isapi.dll on my Windows 2003 (64-bit) servers running IIS6. It's not going smoothly, and I cannot help but wonder if it's perhaps an issue with the fact that the dll is 32-bit instead of 64-bit.



Does anyone have experience with WMI monitoring on 64-bit systems?



Thanks in advance for the help!

2 Replies

  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Your assumption may be correct.



    Click here for a solution with details on testing the WMI agent, which indicates a call to Support is the next step if you can't get the expected response.





  • I have confirmed it. I opened a case and they dug up a dev (non-tested) version of F5ISAPI.DLL compiled for 64-bit systems. Things seem to be working. Hopefully, they'll finish testing it sometime soon, as the days of 32-bit IIS are numbered with the release of Windows Server 2008.



    Thanks for the reply!