Forum Discussion

SSHSSH_97332's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2012

F5 WOM Isession Packets

in Version 11 , from WOM Quick Start Guide you can sepcify the Isession tunneling type :


WAN Optimization > Quick Start. , it can be one of the following :


IPSEC , GRE or IP over IP tunneling protocol


but at Version 10 i cannot find this option ? so what is the Isession packet type at version 10 ? is it GRE or what ?






  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    We didn't support tunneling in v10 for iSessions, so it was just plain TLS.



  • what do you mean by not supporting tunneling ? does this mean that packets sent from WOM at DC1 to WOM at DC2 will have src ip = client IP ? so how come that it will reach WOm at DC2 ?


    what is plain TLS , do you mean packets encrypted with TLS ?


  • Hey SSHSSH,


    I cant validate as I no longer run 10x but on 11 under the Local Endpoint and Remote Endpoints I configured them with an SNAT of Local. This caused the client to always use the local LTMs IP address and made traffic always flow back through the WOM on the return path. WOM to WOM was always the LTMs IP to LTMs IP, even without the SNAT turned on.


  • Thanks nappanwo , but my current Version is 10 & i don' want to upgrade so i wanted to know the behaviour