Forum Discussion

JoeTheFifth's avatar
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Mar 07, 2013

F5 UAG SharePoint 2010 (NO DIRECT ACCESS)

Hi Guys,


I cannot find any info on using UAG with F5 in non integrated NLB mode and without DirectAccess. We are using UAG to publish SharePoint sites.


Just to share my config and get feedback on how to optimize it:


here is my config:


F5 VIP (UAG VIP) => 2 UAG servers (Array with Non integrated NLB) => F5 VIP (SharePoint) => 2 SharePoint servers


So connections to UAG servers are load balanced by the first UAG VIP and The Connections from the UAG servers are load balanced by the second SharePoint VIP to the sharepoint servers.



My concerns are about the NLB setting and VIP configurations needed to make this setup as optimized as possible.


So far we only created basic VIPs and monitors. The setup is working.


I read here ( that the OneNetProfile is to be avoided on UAG vips.


So any advices, hints or links about this config are welcome.

