Forum Discussion

nsxwolf_68260's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 21, 2011

F5 SSL VPN an Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

What's the story on F5 SSL VPN support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion?



Myself and others cannot get a connection to work in any browser and have had to downgrade to Snow Leopard.



Is this a known issue? Are there any plans for a fix?



It would be nice to have this information so we can plan our workstation upgrades.





  • I need some assistance and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.



    I upgraded to Lion and my older laptop (MacBook Pro late 2008) was running Snow Leopard and could connect to our company's VPN. When I upgraded, the data/settings/etc were migrated from my previous user account. Once that happened, I've not been able to connect. The company has updated to the Lion-compatible version but when I try and get the Network Access, it's like the software has not been installed and I'm prompted to install it.




    I've tried both the automatic and manual installation with no luck. To troubleshoot it, I created a new user account and accessed the site, chose the Automatic installation and got connected without a problem. So, I know it's something to do with this account but can't find out where.




    I've cleared the Java cache in the /Library folder. I've checked elsewhere for Preferences or things like that and have had no luck.




    Can someone tell me where I should be looking and what I should be looking for to get this working on this account?




    Thanks much in advance.