Forum Discussion

flicky2000_1616's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 15, 2015

F5 Self Signed Cert...Client-SSL-Profile Issue

Hi I've used the process below to create a new self signed cert and key on the F5 (from My Cert and key are created fine usi...
  • jdevine_236609's avatar
    Jan 19, 2016

    Ok, we figured this out. Nothing was broken it's just a human factors issue with the interface. The dropdown options for cert/key are just lists, they don't actually select the options unless you click "Add" which puts the selections in the text input box just below. This was confusing because so many other configu menus in the F5 are select a dropdown box option and save the config, but for some reason this is different.


    So bottom line, once we clicked "Add" which copied the selections from the dropdown box to the free text entry field below and save the config, it worked.