Forum Discussion

MarcosO's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
May 11, 2023

F5 rules for AWS WAF Terraform

Dear, good afternoon

I'm implementing the rules of F5 OWSAP10

But I'm working with infrastructure by Terraform code

To carry out the implementation I need the correct name of the rule and the correct name of the vendor for implementation and I cannot find this information in the documentation

Can you help me?



          overrideAction = {
            type = var.NAME == "BLOCK" ? "NONE" : var.NAME
          managedRuleGroupIdentifier = {
            "vendorName" : "NAME",
            "managedRuleGroupName" : "NAME"
          ruleGroupType = "ManagedRuleGroup"
          excludeRules  = []
  • Suporte de solução muito fraco, não sabem responder o básico, consegui pela CLI, segue abaixo para quem precisar
    Mas não recomendo, acabei migrando para vendedores melhores do mercado aws


  • Very weak solution support, they don't know how to answer the basics, I got it through the CLI, follow below for those who need it
    But I don't recommend it, I ended up migrating to better aws market sellers

  • Suporte de solução muito fraco, não sabem responder o básico, consegui pela CLI, segue abaixo para quem precisar
    Mas não recomendo, acabei migrando para vendedores melhores do mercado aws


  • Hi MarcosO ,

    The “vendorName” and “managedRuleGroupName” are controlled, and part of, the AWS Firewall . I believe it is not set by F5's rule group. There should be way to retrieve them via AWS Firewall API once you have the ruleset in place.

    It should be something similar to “F5” and “OWASP” or “F5, Inc.” and “F5 Rules for AWS WAF - Web exploits OWASP Rules”.


  • Hey MarcosO - FYI I'm highlighting your question in today's Weekly Highlights article to boost visibility. Hopefully someone will come help with the answer you need soon!

    • MarcosO's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Good afternoon,
      Thanks for the feedback, this link sent I believe it is for another product
      I need help for this product below:
      I want to install the rules contracted on the marketplace by terraform but there is no documentation from f5
      need the correct names for implementation
      Can you help me?
    • Leslie_Hubertus's avatar
      Ret. Employee

      FYI - we've asked a colleague who said that he is looking into this and plans to respond to you next week.