Forum Discussion

Meshal_119384's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2015

F5 ltm inter-vlan not working

hi all ,


I have two servers vlan and FW as GW for those vlan and F5 LTM with snat mode , we have issue with FW and we need to move GW from fw to F5 , when we config GW in severs to F5 self IP its work fine in same vlan but the two vlans can't communicate with each , from F5 we can reach all servers we have configure wild VS IP and L2 but still not working ,


what is the issue ?


  • are you trying to route between them or are you passing specific application traffic between them on an ip/port level? If the former, make sure your wildcard VS covers the IP range of the two server vlans, that it is enabled on both vlans, that you make it a forwarding virtual server instead of standard, and that you enable all protocols (as necessary)