Forum Discussion

Jason_26574's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2009

F5 Load Balancing with SAP PI

Hi all,



I have an issue that I could use some assistance with. First off, I'll start by saying that I'm a Basis Admin and not a F5 Admin, so I hope the lingo comes across okay.



We are moving from using the SAP Web Dispatcher to load balancing with our internal F5 devices. We've converted our ECC system over, and things seem to be working. Now, I'm attempting to do the same for our SAP PI systems.



Our Network Admin in charge of the F5s created a virtual server for us that takes HTTP traffic on port 80 and redirects to the SAP port 5$$00, which in our case is 50000. I then changed the Exchange Profile in SAP PI to use the new virtual server for our Integration Server, Repository, and Directory. Restarted the SAP PI system, and all seems to work except for one thing.



When you navigate to http:///rep, and try to access either the Integration Repository or the Integration Directory, the Java web app downloads and prompts for authentication, but then fails to authenticate because, and this is what I'm thinking, the virtual server is configured to only talk on a specific port (our case 50000), and the application is trying to authenticate on the SAP P4 port, which in our case is 50004. This is defined as the "rmiport" setting in the Exchange Profile of a PI system, and will be in the format 5$$04 where $$ is the system number.



Is there a way that my F5 Admin can configure the virtual server, so that the virtual server will listen on port 80, redirect to port 50000, and also redirect to port 50004 when a user tries to download / run the application?



Thanks for any and all help!




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