Oct 16, 2022Altocumulus
F5 Lingo
Hi All, complete newbie, trying to learn the f5 lingo. We recently purchased a pair of i5000 series. Each physical box will be deployed in seperate geographical locations. I plan on carving each box...
I would really advise getting a consultant in for something like this. If not for the whole project, then for doing some knowledge transfer and best practices and such. Sure people will help you here as you see, but still having someone around (in front or as backup) who has done it before it very valuable.
Absolutely agree, and yes we do have a consultant lined up.
I'm trying to be a little proactive and do some research on my own which will allow me to ask the right question and make appropriate decisions when the need arises.
It's hard to google stuff when you don't know what it's called... 🙂
Totally clear, Mohamed Salah helped you with some load balancing terms.
As for the carving up, that can be done with route domains and partitions or with vCMP. first is more like have separate routing instances, the second is more like running complete virtual machines. something to look into to have an idea what is most useful for you.
Thanks bones, that's exactly what i need to to know vCMP, so much info on the f5 site, when u know what to search for ... 🙂