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Numb3r_4_102532's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2016

F5 GTM Topology LB with mutiple wideIP, different conditions (pool selection)



I have a new requirement for my client. Previously, we have setup for their exchange server and is working perfectly in topology LB.


Existing scenario (simple expalanation)


Datacenter A

Source IP X : 10.10.x.x , Pool A : DCA_VS


Datacenter B

Source IP Y : 20.20.x.x , Pool B : DCB_VS


Topology Design :


Source IP X, Pool is Pool A, Score 200


Source IP X, Pool is Pool B, Weight 100


Source IP Y, Pool is Pool B, Weight 200


Source IP Y, Pool is Pool A, Weight 100


On the wideIP configurations (WideIP :, i have selected "Topology" as the load balance method.


Here comes the new requirement:


Datacenter A

Source IP X : 10.10.x.x , Pool C : DCC_VS


Datacenter B

Source IP Y : 20.20.x.x , Pool D : DCD_VS


How do i apply these new topology requirements with new WideIP? Example: Because in the WideIP loadbalancing options, we cannot select which topology conditions the wideIP should look for.


NOTES : Source IP X will always prefer Datacenter A (resources) , while Source IP Y will always prefer Datacenter B (resources) as their primary.


Thanks in advance!!!


  • Additional info on new requirements: Source IP X, Pool is Pool C, Score 200 Source IP X, Pool is Pool D, Weight 100 Source IP Y, Pool is Pool D, Weight 200 Source IP Y, Pool is Pool C, Weight 100