Forum Discussion

kumar_gaurav_32's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 14, 2017

F5 getting low throughput..

Hi everyone! I have some question which is


can anyone tell me what is the region of getting low throughput in F5 if we have a nexus switches firewall in the environment too...


  • Kumar - your question is very very vague. Network latency can be caused by a myriad of reasons. I'd suggest you isolate first the actual network segment where latency is experienced - the point is that, if you have a path across multiple L3 and L2 hops, latency end-to-end could be caused by any of those hops.


  • too little information and probably won't be solved on a forum like this. best would be to open a ticket with f5 support and let them guide you through creating some packet captures to solve this.