Forum Discussion

Mohanad's avatar
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Oct 01, 2019

F5 BIG-IP's in Different Datacenters

Hi everyone   if i implemented this setup:         What will happen if both ha links are down, each F5 device will think he is the active unit? if yes, how to mitigate this issue?   ...
  • Hamish's avatar
    Oct 09, 2019

    If all your links are down, then you go split brain. But if all your links are down, then you have more problems than just the split brain BigIP.


    (Note that the way I usually do this is an HA pair in each DC (Or metropolitan DC pair). Then use GTM to provide global resilience).


    Regarding fancy devices not requiring your network to be up to prevent split brain. Why bother? You can always put in a path that would encompass the same links as the failover clustering using witness. You're not limited to just two links.