Forum Discussion

bsiman's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 17, 2024

F5 BIG-IP password is hashed during Form based Client Initiated SSO

Hi, I'm having trouble setting up a seemingly simple SSO configuration for a portal. I have an initial logon page with AD authentication and an SSO credential mapping block to expose the user credentials in the session variables session.sso.token.last.username and session.sso.token.last.password. The problem is that when the password is injected into the app's login page, it is hashed (example: $CK$$XVGtyxu5Eni4DyNzJlVz1+UK/7NIy+00). I've also tried enabling the "secure" option in the form's configuration, but when it is enabled, the only password the app receives is "f5-sso-token". I will attach a screenshot below with the APM configuration. Thanks in advance.