Feb 04, 2023Altocumulus
F5 APM SSO RDP with window VM (not working)
HI Experts ,
i have issue that related to SSO on F5 APM that can't do sso with window machine (VM) that doens't join domain.
so i have enable the sso on RDP profile (session.logon.last.username , same for password and domain)
what i have tried:
1. remote session.logon.last.domain on RDP profile (not work)
2.on my VPE , variable assign session.logon.last.domain to . (not work) , i use . becausae when i login to my vm manually using .\msopheak and password was working fine ,but can't do this with F5.
so do you have any idea how to solve it ? with window vm that doens't have domain
Thanks alot