Forum Discussion

Ben_D's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2020

F5 APM issue new session for new tab



I've an issue with my F5 APM configuration. When i open a connection to my VS (http://url1.test) the APM ask me to login, I'm authenticated all work fine.

But when i open another tab with a different URL (http://url2.test) on the same VS APM ask me to login again, Why?


Why F5 APM doesn't keep my session open ? Do I need Irule or LTM Policy or another check on my APM policy?


Thank's for your answers!

  • Hi,


    What version are you working on?

    Are you working with different FQDNs for the same service?


    Remember that BIG-IP APM has several cookies to identify the session.

    These are the most relevant cookies a priori in your case: F5_ST, MRHSession

    Also, SSO and/or Multi Domains Configuration could be relevant in your case.


    Please check the following article:


    • Each login to the BIG-IP APM system triggers new session cookies and a session ID to be generated.
    • You can configure the following options for BIG-IP APM cookies in the Configuration utility:
      • Access > Profiles / Policies > access profile name > SSO/Auth Domains (BIG-IP APM 13.x and later) 


    I hope it helps!

    • Ben_D's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi, thanks for your answers. I work on the last version 15 and yes the fqdn are different.

      The sso keep session for apm login page too not only credential for the apps behind access profile.?

      I will lookup on sso configuration !

