Forum Discussion

NZ_David_20489's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 02, 2014

F5 APM - limiting access to the bandwidth for network Access

I am looking for a way of restricting access to the available bandwidth for our SSL VPN users. I see within the 'Network Access' configuration (Network Settings) there is an option to set 'Client Interface Speed' in bits per second. I have attempted to find more information on this without much luck. The only references I can find are below:


'Specifies the maximum speed of the client interface connection, in bits per second.' 'Specifies the speed of the client interface connection, in bits per second.'


Can anyone provide further insight to this particular setting? I want to confirm/understand: (1) if this is actually a bandwidth restriction or whether it is just an administrative setting (though the above suggests a restriction) (2) if it is a bandwidth restriction, does this perform Traffic Policing or shaping? (3) is the setting per client connection, or all connections using that particular 'network access'

