F5 Advanced WAF/ASM and Shape intergration is the AWAF Bot defense profile still needed?
As now there are more and more users that use F5 AWAF/ASM and shape together as Shape uses advanced DeviceID+ as described here in this post https://community.f5.com/t5/technical-forum/what-are-the-differences-between-device-id-and-device-id/td-p/214228 I had to ask if the F5 Bot defense profile still needed or even recommended as it will insert Javascript to generate DeviceID but so will the SHAPE insert javascript for its DeviceID+ and this may cause issues.
With the SHAPE javascript inserted from the F5 device I think that only F5 Layer 7 DDOS profile and the AWAF policy are needed but I could be wrong 🙂
F5 Big-IP and Shape integration:
Double-checked. Also, to clarify, definitely not a mirror. Load balanced proxies is probably the best way.