Forum Discussion

pvaughan's avatar
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Nov 04, 2011

Exchange 2010 monitors

Hey Guys, I am having a hell of a time figuring out how to get the health monitors in the exchange 2010 deployment guide to work. When I test out the strings in the cli I get Bad Request or the request is badly formed. Are these monitors the best way to check the health of exchange or is there a better way? Has anyone had a similar experience and worked through it?



  • I dont care if I use the monitors in the config guide I just want to properly monitor these servers for a failure and not blackhole traffic. I am currently using the defaul http monitor as well. If I find anything out I will post it up.
  • Posted By pvaughan on 11/15/2011 08:11 AM


    I dont care if I use the monitors in the config guide I just want to properly monitor these servers for a failure and not blackhole traffic. I am currently using the defaul http monitor as well. If I find anything out I will post it up.



    Agree completely. Once I get our disaster recovery environment finished and the rest of the monitoring(solarwinds) completed, I will hopefully have time to circle back and get these right. If I find anything I will post as well.