Exchange 2010 activesync not working
if { [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "MSRPC" } {
persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600
pool Exchange_2010__single_oa_pool
HTTP::class disable
elseif { [HTTP::uri] contains "Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" } {
persist cookie
pool Exchange_2010__single_as_pool
HTTP::class disable
else {
persist cookie
pool Exchange_2010__single_owa_pool
Traffic always ends up at the owa pool no matter what, If I remove the Irule and set the default resource pool to go to the activesync pool, active sync will connect just fine. It is just when I am relying on the Irule to split up the traffic I am unable to connect to activesync.
The template also attached the following Irule to this virtual server
if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/owa") } {
HTTP::uri /owa[HTTP::uri]
any suggestions?