Forum Discussion

NatasaMDS's avatar
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Apr 07, 2017

Exchange 2007 redirection issue



I deployed iApp template for Exchange 2013 and it works fine. But in this environment there are legacy Exchange server (2007) and Exchange 2013 server. I modified Access policy by following instructions from this video My final result is: For Exchange 2013 everything works fine. For Exchange 2007: user tries to authenticate and enters his credential, system redirect him to legacy server and logon screen shows up again. After second authentication browser tries to enter to Exchange 2007 mailbox but it get stuck there. APM logs show that the issue occures when expression comes to evaluation e.g. it says: fail to authenticate. Does anyone has any advice regarding this issue? Thanks in advance.


  • You will have to separate the server types, I doubt the same configuration will work for 2007 and 2013.


    Create a virtual server for 2007 and another one for 2013 (this one, using the iApp).


    Check this solution for information for each version: