Forum Discussion

mhite_60883's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Nov 30, 2012

'Ephemeral' in SNMP MIB descriptions

Would someone mind explaining what 'ephemeral' means in the context of these SNMP MIB items:



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralPktsIn OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The number of packets received ephemeral by the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 13 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The number of bytes received ephemeral by the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 14 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralPktsOut OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The number of packets transmitted ephemeral from the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 15 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The number of bytes transmitted ephemeral from the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 16 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The maximum ephemeral connections to the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 17 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralTotConns OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX Counter64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The total ephemeral connections to the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 18 }



ltmVirtualServStatEphemeralCurConns OBJECT-TYPE


SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64


MAX-ACCESS read-only


STATUS current




"The current ephemeral connections to the specified virtual server."


::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 19 }




  • Ephemeral normally refers to the source port used by a TCP client to connect to a server. Here's a Wikipedia link; I'm not sure how this relates to SNMP and the items above, it's rather confusing to be honest.
  • Same boat. I just don't understand what the heck it means in relation to virtual server connections...
  • this is what i found from the past case which was answered by Jeffrey Hafey. he is one of the best engineers i know.



    Ephemeral listeners are short-lived listeners which are created generally by a control channel in order to handle response traffic (e.g., FTP, RTSP).


    hope this helps.


  • AH, OK, so if the Virtual Server type is something that has a separate return channel. Got it. Thanks!