Forum Discussion

Randy_Abrams's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 27, 2012

Encrypt HSL traffic

Are there any methods to encrypt High Speed Logging (HSL) traffic sent to a remote host? An SSH tunnel from the BIG-IP doesn't seem possible since the management GUI disallows a pool member assigned to a self-ip address.


  • There's no built-in HSL encryption supported but you could use an iRule to encrypt the log data and something on the server side to decrypt it (although I've no idea what).
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    It's a bit roundabout, but...



    You could target a pool containing the IP:port of a virtual server. On that VS, you could configure a server SSL profile and a pool containing a syslog server IP:port that accepts SSL encrypted syslog.


