Forum Discussion

Doug_123818's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 19, 2013

EM 3.1.1 iHealth collection issues

Hi All, I try to collect health data using the iHealth Dianostics and keep getting "Failed to login to iHealth service(username/password incorrect)" I have been using our standard admin / password combo but no luck. Is there a unique password / location in the LTM's or in EM where this can be set? Or do I need to look somewhere else?


  • Hi Doug,


    Are you referring to My EM's are running an older version, so I am unaware if EM 3.1.1 has an iHealth upload ability.


    The main iHealth Website requires a separate account with F5 (the same one you use to download new images or open up Support Tickets).