Forum Discussion

MQ_107747's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2011

Election Hash I-Rule with different Cache Server Type

Hi ,



i wrote irule command for hash election with different cache server type & performance , for example users in subnet (A) will go to Squid cache Server ( SquidPool ) , if there is no pool member available will go for Cache flow servers ( CacheFlowPool ) , if no pool member available will go for Old Cache server ( OldCpool),



and for subnet ( B ) first will check CacheflowPool -> then OldCPool -> then SquidPool



and for subnet (c) first will check OldCPool -> then CacheflowPool -> then SquidPool




all of Loadbalance mechanism will be election hash, i have wrote the following below commands , i need your advise if it is okay :





set High_Score -9999999999


set Node_Picked ""



Squid Cache Servers



if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "UsersSquidServers" ] }{


if { [active_members ] > 0 }{


foreach Cur_Node [active_members -list ] {


if { [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]] > $High_Score } {


set High_Score [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]]


set Node_Picked $Cur_Node






pool member [lindex $Node_Picked 0] [lindex $Node_Picked 1]


Exit this event from this rule





} elseif { [active_members ] > 0 } {


foreach Cur_Node [active_members -list ] {


if { [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]] > $High_Score } {


set High_Score [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]]


set Node_Picked $Cur_Node






pool member [lindex $Node_Picked 0] [lindex $Node_Picked 1]


Exit this event from this rule




} elseif {[ active_members 0 } {


foreach Cur_Node [active_members -list ] {


if { [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]] > $High_Score } {


set High_Score [crc32 $Cur_Node[HTTP::uri]]


set Node_Picked $Cur_Node






pool member [lindex $Node_Picked 0] [lindex $Node_Picked 1]


Exit this event from this rule







} end SquidCacheServer





same election hash Algorithem with same command but change the Pool Orders to be :



CacheflowPool -> then OldCPool -> then SquidPool






it will be same for above setup with change Pool Order





Else {



any conditions if all cacheServers down !






} End I-Rule Statements




appreciate your kind feedback



Best Regards,