Forum Discussion

Terrence's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 30, 2012

Edge Gateway-OWA 2010 sp2 session timeout and double login page

So I wrote this long post of two issues we are having with the exchange/apm implementation, however it was denied. So heres the coles notes version:





1) double login prompt


sso matches on /owa/&reason=0


This page redirects to another login page using javascript


sso has already happened at this point so I just change the uri to '/owa/'






if {([HTTP::uri] == "/") } {


HTTP::uri /owa




set req_uri [HTTP::uri]


if { $req_uri starts_with "/owa/auth/logon.aspx?replaceCurrent=1" } {


HTTP::uri /owa




unset req_uri






2) The second issue is that the users session never times out. The reason is highlighted here When user times out server returns a response code of 440 Login Timeout. I watch for this response code and remove the session and redirect back to owa.





if { [HTTP::status] == 440 } {



set apm_cookie [HTTP::cookie value MRHSession]


if { $apm_cookie != "" && [ACCESS::session exists $apm_cookie] } {


ACCESS::session remove


HTTP::redirect ""











The second rule hasn't been tested thoroughly, but the implementation period here will be long, so I will have a long time to test.



Now lets hope I can submit this timeSo I wrote this long post of two issues we are having with the exchange/apm implementation, however it was denied. So heres the coles notes version:





1) double login prompt


sso matches on /owa/&reason=0


This page redirects to another login page using javascript


sso has already happened at this point so I just change the uri to '/owa/'






if {([HTTP::uri] == "/") } {


HTTP::uri /owa




set req_uri [HTTP::uri]


if { $req_uri starts_with "/owa/auth/logon.aspx?replaceCurrent=1" } {


HTTP::uri /owa




unset req_uri






2) The second issue is that the users session never times out. The reason is highlighted here When user times out server returns a response code of 440 Login Timeout. I watch for this response code and remove the session and redirect back to owa.





if { [HTTP::status] == 440 } {



set apm_cookie [HTTP::cookie value MRHSession]


if { $apm_cookie != "" && [ACCESS::session exists $apm_cookie] } {


ACCESS::session remove


HTTP::redirect ""











The second rule hasn't been tested thoroughly, but the implementation period here will be long, so I will have a long time to test.



Third attempt at posting. This time I copied and pasted.


  • Point2


    This rule crashes websso





    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::status] == 440 } {


    log -noname "440 Login Timeout Response Received"


    HTTP::redirect ""





  • Point2


    Thus far the rules have proven wrong. The last one definately removes the session, however the web client never realizes it has timed out, as the requests were from json or xmlrpc of some sort.



    I stole this one from



    Removing the asm piece and adding the HTTP_RESPONSE piece




    set mrhsession [HTTP::cookie value "LastMRH_Session"]


    if { [table lookup $mrhsession] == "EXCHANGE_LOGOUT" } {


    set user_logon [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]


    set sessionid [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.sessionid"]



    log local0.warn "ASM VIOLATION - Session: $sessionid, User: $user_logon"


    ACCESS::session remove


    table delete $mrhsession







    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::status] == 440 } {


    set mrhsession [HTTP::cookie value "LastMRH_Session"]



    if { $mrhsession != ""} {


    table set $mrhsession "EXCHANGE_LOGOUT"


    log local0.warn "OWA Exchange Initiated Timeout - MRHSession: $mrhsession"








  • And the final irule:




    My Final version of the irule, which I hope doesnt put to much strain on the edge gateway looks as follows:





    set mrhsession [HTTP::cookie value "LastMRH_Session"]


    if { [table lookup $mrhsession] == "EXCHANGE_LOGOUT" } {


    set user_logon [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]


    set sessionid [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.sessionid"]



    log local0.warn "OWA Exchange Initiated timeout - Session: $sessionid, User: $user_logon"


    ACCESS::session remove


    table delete $mrhsession







    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    set mrhsession [HTTP::cookie value "LastMRH_Session"]





    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::status] == 440 } {


    log local0.warn "OWA Exchange Initiated Timeout"


    if { $mrhsession != ""} {


    table set $mrhsession "EXCHANGE_LOGOUT"


    log local0.warn "OWA Exchange Initiated Timeout - MRHSession: $mrhsession"







    unset mrhsession




  • Kunal's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi All,


    I have similar issue. The issue is for IPv6 users, we see that users are getting timed out.


    Is there a way to see the value of the table "EXCHANGE_LOGOUT"?


