Forum Discussion

Angel_Romero_64's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2015

Duplicate Virtual Servers

Hi, I have the need of duplicate all the virtual servers over my F5, and I want to know if is possible to export the configuration (tmsh), make the changes (name of virtual servers and change the Destination IP Address) and import this configuration.


The rest configuration (service port, protocols, profiles, pools...) is the same.




Angel R.


  • Sure it can be done and pretty easily. What is the nature of IP change? i.e. is there a pattern to the change or do you have a conversion table?


    After above clarification I can suggest the steps to do.


  • I have one way.


    • Download config/bigip.conf to your pc.
    • copy the virtual server configuration onto another file that you wan't to change.
    • make the changes and save the file.
    • upload the file to LTM.
    • verify the file for merging to the current configuration.
    • If errors, fix those.
    • verify and if no errors merge the file. Command to merge (tmsh) load sys config verify merge file /var/tmp/filename.txt (tmsh)load sys config merge file /var/tmp/filename.txt

    Hope this helps