Forum Discussion

jreedy_47037's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 14, 2011

Distributing traffic to all nodes in Pool




I require the ability to take a particular http POST and distribute it across all nodes in the pool. So basically replicate the post across say 4 nodes. Is this possible with an irule?










  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi J,



    Can you explain the use case? Which server response would you want to send back to the client?



    This might be possible with HTTP::retry in pre-v11 or using sideband connections in v11:






  • The use case is we have two applications. One web application that is passing through the F5 and is persistent based on source addr. The 2nd app is a IVR app. The IVR app posts details into the web app via an IIS proxy. The problem is the POST dosen't always end up on the node the user is persistent to with the web app. Unfortunately changes to the IVR app are not on the cards in the short term and the guys looking after the web app are copying the "POST" from the IVR across all web app servers using a perl script currently. SO... essentially they wont to investigate moving the functionality of the perl script onto the F5. Besides knowing the post was successful the client dosent need any other response.
  • The problem is the POST dosen't always end up on the node the user is persistent to with the web app. just curious if match across option is helpful.



    sol5837: Match Across options for session persistence