Forum Discussion

Davide_Podda_21's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 15, 2015

diameter and ssl

Hi all,

I have a question about diameter balancing with SSL client profile.

I'm noticing that with diameter profile I'm not able to use SSL::disable and SSL::enable in irules.

I tried this configuration for testing


In http profile (I tried it just for test) it works well.

In diameter profile it doesn't work.

So my question is: Can I use SSL::enable/disable in diameter profile?

I need this because my diameter client establish a no TLS connection with CER/CEA exchange and only after this exchange start the TLS handshake in the same session. So I'm looking if it's possible use irules to support this.

Using a full TLS session or full no-TLS session everything is ok.



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