Forum Discussion

logical_254756's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 31, 2016

Create lab enviorment from a production SCF file (required modifications)?

I'm looking to use SCF file for production to create a lab environment. They are both VE F5.


I know I would have to change Virtual servers IPs Self-IPs but how about chassis-id and base-mac? Do I need to change them or the new F5 will automatically update these values to correct one?


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    What i have done in the past is get an SCF from the target BIG-IP and also the source BIG-IP. I would then copy the info required from the source BIG-IP into the target one, but only include the non-device specific information i.e. the base settings/configuration options. Usually there's a few entries at the top of the SCF which you wouldn't transfer across.


    Hope this helps,

