Forum Discussion

rama_127949's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 11, 2004

Connection Limit

I want to set a connection limit on the node and once that limit is reached I would like to maintain persistence(existing connections can go to the node but not any new connections).



How can I do this?






5 Replies

  • Rama, That's what the connection limit attribute on the node is for. You can use the

    void ITCMLocalLB::Node::set_limit( 
         in IPPortDefinition[] node_defs, 
         in unsigned long long limit 

    method to set this limit.

  • Thanks for your reply. If I have multiple servers and set connection limits, once a connection a limit is reached on one server the existing connections switch to the other server.



    What I want to do is I want to disable a node once the connection limit is reached so that the connections which went to that server will continue to go to the same server.





  • You can use the set_availability method to stop all future connections from being routed to that node.

    void ITCMLocalLB::Node::set_availability( 
         in IPPortDefinition[] node_defs, 
         in AvailabilityState state 

    Keep in mind that any new connections from a client that had a previous connection to the node you made unavailable will be treated as a new connection and routed away from that node.

  • Thanks for your reply.



    Do you mean I can change the node state with this code when the limit is reached?



    If that's the case, where do I put this piece of code in?





  • Loc_Pham_101863's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Rama,



    According to your very first post, if all you would like to do when a connection limit is reached is to make sure that existing connections/sessions continue to go to the node, and new connections are blocked, then by setting the connection limit, you've already accomplished that goal. No other actions are necessary.



    If this is not what you're intending to do, then please clarify in details.



