Forum Discussion

Jim_M's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Dec 10, 2020

Config syncing 2 F5 in Azure

I have two F5 operating in a load balancer sandwich topology in Azure. I recall seeing an guide which detailed how to get config sync operating between two LTM. This is one of several HA topologies. Can someone please direct me to this guide?

  • ​Hello,

    Please check below articles if it helps you to understand it.




    • Jim_M's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thank you yes. That does give me good information. The actual document i was looking for is this one:


      Which leads to a question. If i have two F5 operating in a load balancer sandwich, they will each have a set of virtuals which they present. However the IP address of each virtual will differ on each F5. Am i able to sync config whilst still retaining these unique per-virtual IP addresses?

  • Further to a suggestion by another member; i tried setting my Virtual to use two destination IP addresses. I used an address list for this. However, the virtual uses an ASM policy and the F5 complains that an address list cannot be used.