CMP questions on cores/TMM
Read the whitepaper on CMP and the wiki on the constraints of irules with CMP and have some questions....
1) When using a viprion platform (2 viprions, each with a single blade populated in active/standby mode), running 10.1.x, does a VS irule using a global var mean that the VS will only be able to have its connections processed by the first blade on the active viprion chassis or just the first core of the first blade? Each blade has 8 cores
2) Is CMP even activated when using a single blade in a viprion under active/standby mode, even if its a multi-core blade? Does CMP only matter when using more than one blade in an active viprion since the clustered TMM is per blade, not per core/cpu? I assume the CMP'd TMM is per blade not per chassis of viprion blades?
3) Say that in the future that a second blade is added to the active and standby viprion's, and say there are 10 different irules using global var's in their own way. Is the viprion platform smart enough to say, hmm I have 10 different irules that have CMP disabled, so I am going to distribute those equally across the cores/blades on the active viprion chassis or are they all going to be limited to the first core/blade and be stuck there so that first one always runs a little hotter
We use active/standby pairs of LTM only, bot 6400's and Viprions, so does CMP even matter with that HA strategy?
Appreciate the clarifications