Forum Discussion
Jul 11, 2011Nimbostratus
ClientSSLProfile cert exiration date?
I am looking for a way to get the expiration dates of Client SSL Profile certificates. Currently I am able to get a list of the certs from polling GetInterface("LocalLB", "ProfileClientSSL")->get_certificate_file method, but the certs shown do not appear in the cert details when I poll GetInterface("Management", "KeyCertificate")->get_certificate_list
Any suggestions or clarifications on how this could be achieved?
- John_Gruber_432Historic F5 AccountThe expiration information is part of the certificate. The iControl functions are there to manage the placement of the certificates on the BIG-IP and building SSL profiles with them.
- Ohge_15615NimbostratusThank you for the quick reply John! I am able to pull expiration data directly from the LB's for the .crt files, much like that example report builder you provided in your link, but the .cert files utilized by SSLClientProfiles do not show up in the results. I will start looking in to pulling the certs from the lb and decoding them with openssl, but my company is still really hoping there is an API based solution to accomplish this.
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